
Explore our collection of over 1000 words covering Grade 4-6 subjects like English, Life Skills, Math, Natural Science, and Social Science! Check out the fun activities designed to boost learners’ language skills.


Click on the links to view/download our free activities.

July 2024: Mandela Month

June 2024: Youth Month

Download Activity 1 & 2  and Activity 1 & 2_ Answers
Download Activity 3 & 4 and Activity 3 & 4_Answers

May 2024: Elections


Past Activities



How to structure activities for your kids

  1. Create a schedule! Make it a family activity. This gives the child a sense of autonomy and they are more likely to want to do the work. When explaining the schedule to them, use “first-then” language to help them learn a sequence of events – first do the math work, then you can play games.
  2. Make learning fun! Remember, not all learning has to be from books or the computer. Math can be done in the kitchen (teaching fractions, multiplications, addition using ingredients) Break up learning too!
  1. Be active. Wherever you are, you can make an activity. If you in your back yard,  make it a great science lesson!  Doing laundry, can be an example of chemistry and technology, and your vegetable garden is an example of botany.  Don’t forget art and drama, too! Your child can use the word list from from the activities on the site to create ABC conversations and storytelling.